viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Graphic Novels in Spain: The Comic Reborn and Rebranded

«According to 2010 figures from Spain’s Federation of Publishers, 14.5% of readers over the age of 14 read comics, compared to the 60% who read fiction. And, perhaps more significantly, among the total number of readers, 47.8% read using a digital device, a sign that the ebook is gaining ground. Comics represent 2.9% of total book sales in Spain. 
Evidence of the popularity of the comic and manga genres in Spain are Barcelona’s annual Salon Internacional del Cómic and the Salón del Manga, although foreigners have always greatly outweighed local talent in terms of the number of invited authors. 
New Kids on the Block 
But local talent is emerging, buoyed by new publishing houses focusing on the form, such as Entrecomics Comics, that launched in 2006 and has half a dozen authors in its catalog; ¡Caramba!, founded by two thirty-something Spanish graphic designers and focusing on humor; Fulgencio Pimentel, publishing graphic novels in translation, and Apa Apa, a publisher of comics and fanzines founded in 2008 and which, since 2012, has turned its attention to publishing local talent.
And two recent anthologies aim to reappraise the genre. Supercomic: Mutaciones de la novela gráfica (Errata Naturae), is a collection of essays exploring the genre, from superheroes and manga to memoir and noir, while Panorama (Atisberri) contains work by 30 Spanish graphic novelists, a showcase of the genre at the hands of local authors over the past 10 years».
El artículo de Adam Critchley sobre la novela gráfica española reciente sigue aquí

1 comentario:

  1. Si te interesan los autores nacionales y la utoedición... Si te gustan los autores nacionales... Pásate por este crowdfunding
    y podrás colaborar en la edición de un cómic de superhéroes, ganando interesantes recompensas.
    Si lo publicitas tampoco nos vendría nada mal.
